Sunday, September 8, 2013

2008/01/07 - Missing Aaron~~

My baby did not come home last night, stayed at grandma’s.  雖然知道他在阿嬷家會玩得很開心,也知道會有很好的照顧,吃得比在家還好,台南天氣又好,沒有台北濕冷,房子空間又大,有他專屬的遊戲室,有花園,有魚池,有狗陪他玩,而且也是他自己決定要留在阿嬷家的….  可是,我昨晚就一夜沒睡了.  抱著他星期六換下來的睡衣,呼吸他的味道 (,我這個媽真的有點變態…)  躺在床上,身邊少了他的小腳踢呀踢,小手戳呀戳,我睡不著.

要調適心態的是我這個媽,一邊寫一邊掉眼淚再一個月就滿三歲的寶寶了,這次是挑戰和他分離最久的極限.  之前最久也不過3個晚上今晚就第三個晚上了,可是才星期一,一個禮拜的第一天真的會天天哭.

An extract from a book that most defines my sentiment on motherhood:

“Watching something you love grow is both pleasure and pain.  Each new phase – crawling, walking, talking – brings shouts of pride, but with each comes the mourning of the phase gone past…. The soft down of her scalp, fingers the size of beads, the mysterious whispers before words come: behind the joy in each new talent, I regretted the passing of the last.  I had a secret longing to keep her small and precious and a part of me.  As miserable as I had been during pregnancy I now often dreamt that she was back inside my body and that the two of us were floating like that forever, each clinging to the other for soft comfort in some eternal womb.

Time is impatient to take your child from you.  So you learn that each moment is precious and that life is an inevitable clock.  The pleasure of rearing a child is just a prelude to the pain of letting them go, and I anticipated that with an ache every day of her small life….

No matter what wisdom or tricks for happiness you learn, a mother worries every day of her life for her child.  A wise one will pretend to let them go to keep them, but it’s just a sweet and sensible lie.  Motherhood is a sweet, sweet suffering; a joy today is marked by fear for tomorrow and a craving for yesterday.” ~ Kate Kerrigan, Recipes for a Perfect Marriage, 2005

2007/12/12 Strawberry Picking

2007/12/12 Strawberry Picking, 彤彤 & 媽咪Tina

2007/12/12 Strawberry Picking, Even & 媽咪秀秀

2007/12/12 Strawberry Picking, Aaron & Mommy Judy

2008/01/06 - Day off from mommyhood


爸比這 weekend mommy 放假,帶著 Aaron 回台南娛樂阿公阿嬤.  雖然能有自己的大小姐時間很好,而且有好多好多一直沒時間enjoyhobbies可以好好享受一下,但還是想我的寶寶….

星期六.  家務事有三筒衣服要洗, Aaron聖誕節得到的玩具還撒了一屋子, Aaron雞湯喝完了要再熬,和室堆了四筒洗好的衣服沒折,夏天的衣服還沒整理收起來自己的小小ventureinfant massageresearch report要寫, baby yoga 師訓班的籌備要規化, baby aqua 的上課場地要找在電子公司的業務有email要回, reports 要整理  還有好多書買了還沒時間看,也想放任自己在電影人物的情節及情緒裡,還想繼續整理Aaron8個月大後的photobook…  結果,星期六,一整個白天就掛在babyhome,和其他媽咪分享Aaron的點點滴滴

晚上倒是好好的愛了一下自己,和二姐去看了金大班的最後一夜.  劉曉慶的駕勢遠遠的壓過了其他人.  她很利害,演十幾歲的姑娘時真有那天真俏皮的模樣.  她的聲音高昂,說話唱歌時都蠻震撼的.  戲中的招標冷笑猶如唱國劇班響亮.  舞蹈動作舉手投足,都詮釋了意味中的激情與內心的爭扎.  可是,我就是沒辦法入戲,就是處在觀眾席.  劉曉慶和其他演員是那麼的不協調.  舞台上本就是要誇張的肢體及言語,但和其他演員的對比下,劉曉慶顯得 theatrical and almost comical.  I’ve been enjoying theater performance for almost 20 years now, this is the first time I realize the importance of harmony and equilibrium on stage.  She is very good actress and performed her best on stage last night, but it was not a very good performance.

Then I went to get a foot and body massage for 2 hours.  Came home at 2:30am and slept like a baby until 11:30am Sunday morning.  I had planned on going to church this morning then head over to True Yoga for a class, oh well.  Sorry, God, and thank you for a wonderful night out.

星期天睡飽飽起來看到藍天白雲,超想我的Aaron.  好想帶他去公園玩沙,蕩鞦韆.

爸比打電話來說,本來要讓Aaron在台南住一個禮拜,因為農曆過年只回去 2/2 ~ 2/5,再來要去Whistler ski.  但剛剛問Aaron,他不肯.
        Aaron:”我不要,我跟媽咪說了,我要回家” => 媽咪聽到這裡,眼泛淚光


        Mommy: “Aaron,你不在媽咪會想你喔.”
        Aaron: “,我玩一下下就回來喔.  乖乖不要哭哭喔  還摸摸我的頭
My baby is just way too adorable….

2007/12/8 清大, 爸比的母校

2007/12/8 表情看起來好大人,但細看下巴還有口水...

2008/12 Aaron's 1st Christmas Tree

 Christmas of 2007 was spend in LA, went to Mammoth to ski

2008/12  Aaron learned the "酷" 動作 from school 運動會舞... though fingers not quite positioned correctly

2008/12  爸比 corrected the hand position

2008/01/05 - Aaron 1st 運動會

On 12/1, my little Aaron attended his very first 運動會!!  I was so touched on how much my little baby has grown.  During the 開會舞, he really danced and actually rather well.  I’ve never seen him practice at home, but I guess he did learn something in school.  Watching my little dancer, my eyes were getting misty.  My baby, my little sweetie, how his growing slips before my very eyes.  He is still soft to cuddle and chubby to hold, but he’s fast turning from babyhood to boyhood.  How will I ever let go, that will be my hardest challenge yet.

While mommy is having such sentimental thoughts, Aaron was having a blast. He ran so well during 大對接力賽 and his team actually won… though, I am sure it was not exactly due to him…

Finding for the day is that Aaron doesn’t just play with anyone.  This little kid has already developed his own preferences on friends… though, interestingly, he seems to be more attracted to those who is particularly less friendly with him and more authoritative.  這小孩是欠扁嗎?  Or does he like the challenge to win over others… like his uncle Jack with girls?  Or, is he just simply clueless??!  During one of the games to play with a partner, a 小哥哥 wants to team up with him, but he just flatly refused. (媽咪很尷尬因為哥哥的媽媽就在旁邊)  Aaron insisted to team up with another 小姐姐, even though the girl just ignored him and stood next to the other girl she had intended to team up with.  When it was their turn, the小姐姐 got in position, Aaron just butt in and took the place of the partner’s seat.  Since it was a competition and all very chaotic, no one stopped him for cutting the line so he got his way.

You might think he likes girls more than boys, prefers小姐姐 over小哥哥… well, that’s sort of true, he does like to play with girls more, but even when it’s 小姐姐 vs 小姐姐, he still prefers 比較凶的那一個.  On a different occasion, we went to McDonald’s.  He was in the playground playing while mommy is reading newspaper on the side and only keeping half of an eye on him.  After a while, he came back with his little pouty face and say a 小姐姐 would not play with him.
Mommy: “姐姐為什麼不跟你玩.”
Aaron: “因為我咬她.”
Mommy大驚: “你為什麼咬姐姐?”
Aaron: “因為我是大白鯊.”
While mommy 很努力 trying to explain to Aaron the difference between reality and pretend play, another小姐姐 (around 1st or 2nd grade) came up and said “我給你咬,你跟我玩好不好?”  Before mommy was able to react to such “generous” offer, Aaron said “我不要咬你,我要跟那個姐姐玩.”  Mommy was just about to tell Aaron to be polite and friendly, the girl said “那我們交往好不好”…. Now, mommy is thoroughly shocked so we went to wash our hand to go home.  The girl followed us to the bathroom and said “你明天要再來喔,我等你”…. , mommy suddenly had the flash of Aaron at 18 with girls hovering about…

2007/12/1 運動會.  With 宣宣, Aaron's best friend in school.  They go to bathroom holding hands.

2007/12/1 運動會.  With Kevin.  Aaron deflected the yellow team to the red, because Kevin is there.

BTW, on 1/3, Aaron was eating jelly beans with Babi in the kitchen.  Babi then came to mommy, asking "為什麼 baby 要鴨肉的糖果" ... 爸比,我們是要 "yellow" 的糖果啦!!

2007/12/1 運動會.  With Kevin and school Santa.

 Aaron: "媽咪,那邊還有一隻 santa 耶"....

2007/11/26 - Aaron牌語言翻譯機

2007/10/29  UK, Aaron & Amy walking in the field


媽咪: “Aaron, ask 爸鼻 to get mommy a soap.”
Aaron: “爸鼻, mommy 要一個泡泡.”
爸鼻…?? 完全不懂

註解: 因為阿嬤總是說用泡泡洗手

Aaron 玩具壞了

Aaron: “mommy, 壞了怎麼辦?”
Mommy: “Go ask 爸鼻 to fix it.”
Aaron: “爸鼻幫我打打玩具

爸鼻…?? 完全不懂

註解: 因為爸鼻總是說你要被修理,被打打嗎?

2007/11/14 - 未滿18歲不宜

2007/11/28 London Zoo

Aaron 都和我一起洗澡.
那天自己洗完臉後張開眼睛時, 發現 Aaron 拿著蓮蓬頭直接沖他的小雞雞.  把水拿開,看他的小球球已經被燙紅了.  之後他猛抓,又哭, 說痛痛, 又好癢喔.
可是... 自己把球球燙傷的例子應該不多吧... 還好不需要跑急診, 不然寫病壢的阿姨可能會笑到暈倒..

2007/11/14 - 英國行 - 帶寶寶的 Culture Shock

2007/10/18 - London, Diana Memorial Children's Park, Tree House


2007/10/18 - London, Diana Memorial Children's Park, Pirate Ship

A beach of sand for me to build castles and dig tunnels ... and search for hidden treasures?!

Down I go, what treasure does the ship hold?

Crawling and searching

A tunnel I see, where does it go => Aaron  剛看到一個小哥哥在船底挖了個洞,從船底鑽了出去

Is she the princess I search? => 六個月大的寶寶,一樣在公園玩

 2007/10/21 - Cambridge
鞦韆稍加安全,小小寶寶也可以蕩到和大人一樣高; 我看到 8 個月大的寶寶一樣蕩高高,刺激前庭發展.  裝這應該不貴,台灣不知道有沒有

 2007/10/30 Norwich

Shower of leaves

帶著 Aaron 到英國參加 Birthlight 的進階課程,也觀摩了其他老師的課及在一些老師的教室教授了幾節課.  雖然從小在美國長大,歐洲也跑過了幾個國家,英國也不是第一次去. 但這次的 trip,真的讓我 experienced culture shock.

What shocked me is how the parents I encountered really let kids be kids.  上次英國老師來時,就曾經問過在台灣的社會,會不會有fear of spoiling the kid.  當時雖然覺得會有,台灣的家長都很擔心被人家說把小孩寵壞,但我完全沒有體會到the extend of freedom a child can possible be given.  也許我接觸到的英國家長不是general public, 剛好是特別愛小孩的.

書上都有寫,帶小孩要以平常心,不要太緊張.  但我接觸到的家長的放鬆的不是我先前能想像的.  在我們寶寶瑜珈課的最後10 ~ 15分鐘,是用來讓家長放鬆了時間.  這時若寶寶哭鬧,我們做講師的會問媽媽需不需要幫忙抱寶寶,所以媽媽可以放鬆. 在一節課裡,我一樣幫忙抱小孩,一個兩個月大的寶寶. 結果這個寶寶一抱起來就吐奶吐了我滿身.  可以想像台灣的家長,99%會跳起來,趕快看看寶寶怎麼了,跟老師陪不是,擦拭寶寶,幫寶寶換衣服哪還想到什麼放鬆呢!  我這個英國媽媽老神在在,從身邊的袋子拿了條寶寶的毛巾給我,眼睛就閉上了,繼續躺著,享受他的放鬆時間.  寶寶吐過後,肚子舒服了,不哭也不鬧.  我就抱著個吐滿全身的寶寶,晃了15分鐘.  放鬆時間過了,這位媽媽才起身陪不是,幫寶寶換衣服.  一邊跟寶寶說的不是看你,把老師都弄髒了;” 而是, “吐過後舒服多了喔,好棒喔.”  這位媽媽的觀念是寶寶吐奶本就是他生裡的一部分,跟便便尿尿一樣.  便便尿尿因包著尿布,不會對大人造成不便,所以不會大驚小怪.  但大部分人遇到吐奶,就會跳起來急著處理.  其實,晚個15分鐘處理真的也不會怎麼樣.  媽咪以relaxed 的態度面對寶寶生理的一部分,寶寶沒有壓力,也不會覺得自己做錯事或覺得有一件很糟糕的事發生在自己身上.  ,才是平常心的真理呀!!

在倫敦,看到公共的地方,像餐廳及百貨公司,都很少有小孩.  觀點是,小孩子就是不會behave like an adult.  為了不打擾到其他人,又不要求小孩乖乖守規局,就不要帶小孩到不能讓他自由做小孩的地方.  在玩具店,都會有讓小孩玩的地方,不怕他們跑,,或弄壞玩具.  在公園,完全放任小孩子玩的全身是沙,在落葉中打滾.  真的是 let kids be kids.

我想著要如何把這個以平常心帶寶寶的概念帶給來上課的媽媽.  因為我相信,放鬆的媽媽,會有放鬆的寶寶,讓寶寶順著自己的時間,快樂成長.

2007/10/07 - 臉臭臭

帶 Aaron 和凱凱去 Y17 玩.  在車上, Aaron 不肯分凱凱看他的書.  一盒 Sesame Street 的小書抱在胸前抱得緊緊的.
凱凱媽: "Aaron, 你怎麼了?  臉為什麼臭臭的?"
凱凱: "真的嗎?  我聞聞看..."

Aaron building blocks, 2007/10/4 @ Y17, 2 yr 8 months old

2007/09/15 - 小氣的 Aaron

Aaron 在取中文名字時,阿公阿嬷不免俗的認為算一算比較好.  後來選定的名字剛好是我取的. 叫昶希, “是一年之中白晝最長的那天,媽咪的期許是寶寶能如陽光般無私的帶給周遭的人希望.

算命老師掐指一算,卻說 Aaron 很小氣,還蠻吝嗇的.

2歲半的他,以懂得錢的好處,可以買養樂多,買茶葉蛋,坐小鹿 (只要是投硬幣會動的乘坐玩具都叫小鹿),打球.  他也有了出門要帶錢的習慣,以免在路上要吃要玩,沒錢媽咪會說回家跟小豬拿,下次再來.

前天帶 Aaron 去散步.  他經過 Hi-Life,吵著要進去買茶葉蛋.
Mommy: “你有錢錢嗎?”
Aaron: “Mommy
Mommy: “Mommy 沒錢錢,不能買.  Aaron 有錢錢可以買.”
Aaron: “沒有
Mommy: “Aaron 沒錢錢嗎
Aaron: “” => 雖然媽咪知道他明明就有,口袋少說也有 5 ~ 6 10元銅板
Mommy: “Aaron 沒錢錢就不能買了
Aaron: “Mommy egg” =. 這個insistent 的小孩
Mommy: “Mommy 沒錢錢,不能買.  Aaron沒錢錢,不能買.”
Aaron: “  走了兩步路,想想不能騙媽咪
Aaron: “,我有錢錢
Mommy: “那可以買 egg, ,要不要去?”
Aaron: “不要
Mommy: “Aaron錢錢可以買呀
Aaron: “不要

2007/08/26 - Amour Studio ~ My dream unfolding

陸續兩個多月來,也已經上了將進20對的寶寶與爸媽.  每上一次客,就更確定 this is what I am meant to do.  就這麼一咬牙,霍出去,8月初簽約租了個小小的 studio,開始找人裝潢,就這樣,我的愛彌兒親子教室要於9/11誕生了.

取名為愛彌兒,是取法文amour,,的諧音,要記得一切從愛開始.  定為911,是紀念那些被奪取的愛,也是個提醒要愛在當下,因為生命的未知.

極愛一位西班牙作家, Paulo Coelho.  在他的作品中,有一本 The Alchemist,中文好像翻為牧羊者之旅.  在決定要開辦愛彌兒時,就覺得自己走上了逐夢的旅程.  而幸運的,如書上所寫的, when one if following his dream and listening to his heart, all the forces of the universe are conspired to help him.  一個月來,有許多的幫忙,也不知怎麼的就找到有相同理念的老師,可以該不同的課,規劃多元的課程.

懷著感恩的心,我步上 what I believe to be the path God hath planned for me.  I will need to remind myself that I am foremost a mother and must not let my venture overtake my time with Aaron.  I will need to keep faith, as the path turns to undergrowth and ground uneven.  As my dream slowly unfolds, I will continue to believe.

2007/08/01 - Aaron: "mommy, 你嚇到我了啦"

Taken on 2006/Nov, at 1 yr 9 mon

媽咪開車載 Aaron 去玩玩, 放著音樂, 心情好, 跟著音樂哼...
Aaron 聽了兩句... "Mommy, 你嚇到我了啦"
Mommy: " mommy 唱歌把你嚇到喔?"
Aaron: "嗯, 好可怕喔"

...信心大失, 我唱歌真的有那麼難聽嗎??!

想到 Aaron 大約 6 個月大時, 有天 mommy 唱著搖籃曲, Aaron 竟然舉起小手到我的嘴巴.  當時以為他愛媽咪, 要摸摸我的臉, 原來....  =(

2007/07/04 - Aaron: "這樣不可愛喔"

上星期出差 3 個晚上, 出發前告訴 Aaron 說 mommy 要 go to work, Friday 才 come home.

Aaron 問: "mommy go home 嗎?"
Mommy: "mommy tonight 不 come home, Friday 才 come home."
Aaron 問: "mommy 幹麻呢?"
Mommy: "mommy go to work."
Aaron 問: "mommy go to work 幹麻呢?"
Mommy: "mommy go to work 賺錢錢ㄚ."
Aaron 問: "賺錢錢給我坐小鹿嗎?"
Mommy: "對ㄚ, 賺錢錢給你坐小鹿ㄚ."
Aaron: "那 Aaron 跟 mommy go to work."
Mommy: "你現在小小, 要等你長大才 go to work."
Aaron: "那 Aaron 不要坐小鹿, mommy 不要 go to work."

嗯... 聽了好心酸...  =(

回來後聽婆婆說,前天 Aaron 吃手指頭, 婆婆兇他..

婆婆: "希希,你吃手,阿嬷生氣."
Aaron: "阿嬷,生氣不好, 這樣沒有可愛喔."

2007/04/21 - Aaron's view of the seaworld

Picture 是去年去墾丁,帶 Aaron 去海生館.  當時的他一歲多一點, 還不會講話, 在海底隧道神情專注, 我好奇著這小娃兒心理想些什麼.

昨天和 Aaron 看 Discovery Channel, 做到水底世界的 program.  Divers 帶著 camera went under, capturing images of 五彩賓分的魚及海生物.  他一樣神情專注.

Mommy: "wow, Aaron, look so many pretty fishes." 
Aaron: "um.. 好多好多, 好吃喔!"

2007/03/25 - 口齒不清: "吃饅頭"

2006/11/4 Taipei Zoo Pictures

Aaron: "Mommy, 我要吃饅頭"
Mommy: "吃饅頭?"  (滿是問號,他怎麼突然想吃饅頭??!)  "你想到喔."
Aaron: "想到了, 要"
Mommy: "可是我們家裡沒有饅頭."
Aaron: "有".... 而且很堅持.
Mommy: "在那裡? 那你找找."
Aaron 搬了椅子,爬上桌子,拿起 tomato 說 "吃饅頭,這裡"


Had an inspirational sermon today.

“I have not reached perfect maturity, but I continue to pursue, that one day, I will be possessed.”– said Paul, the great apostle 

To be possessed by the Holy Spirit, thus to live a life of our Lord; instead of to possess the righteousness of the Lord, thus to condemn others.  What a perfect sentence to describe today's scripture, the condemning of an adulteress saved by Jesus's words "be ye without sins the first to throw a stone at her."

Ever since Aaron was born, I've frequently felt unfair and unjust in our marriage.  I feel that I do most of the work in caring for Aaron and I still bring home the same financial income.  CH feels rightly just to stay late at the office, to stay up into odd hours working.  With such devotion at work, he doesn't have the energy to help without house chores like washing dishes, doing laundries, and putting Aaron to bed.  I have been bitter at being the one who does everything.

But Jesus doesn't compare the amount of His work or suffering against those of others.  He undertook what was given because He wanted to.  Because He wanted to, sacrifices are no longer sacrifices, but merely tasks He freely accepted.  Because they were tasks He freely accepted, the doing was a happy process.
So, no one asked me to care for Aaron the way I do.  I could have left Aaron at nanny's and focused on work like I did before I had him.  I could have fed Aaron instant food packages instead of cooking him fresh fishes everyday and having massive to clean.  I could have kept him in diapers instead of having him potty trained at the age of two and having loads to wash during his many accidents.   But, I am proud and happy of being the mother that I am.  So, my bitterness at CH is unjustified because he didn't ask me to, I did.  Being possessed by the mother intuition, thus I lead the life of a devoted mommy.  I have no one to blame but only my blessings to count.

2007/03/20 - 今天不上學

相片是2006 Christmas Eve took 的.  第一次接觸雪的他,終於懂了雪和雨的不同. 去了一趟美國,他認識了 Micky Mouse, snowman, and Santa.  孩子就這麼一點一滴的長大了.

上星期一開始去上幼幼班,才兩歲,不需要他真的學些什麼,只是讓他有同齡的玩伴.  但今天帶去就不去了.  一到學校門口,就開始哭,說著 "回家".  告訴他不能回家, mommy 要 go to work, no school 就要去劉媽媽家.  他手指著前方,哭著.  無奈,只好開車.  車一動他就不哭了.  到了保母家車庫,他終於弄清楚不是回家,就說要Kevin 哥哥,要姐姐.  解釋給他聽Kevin 哥哥和姐姐都在 school,可是他不去,就只好去劉媽媽家.  小小的他安靜的坐在安全座椅上,看著窗外,我想他在後悔自己的選擇.  保母來後我抱他出來,我站在保母右邊把他交給保母. 他一到保母懷裡,頭就撇到左邊.  我繞道左邊,要親親他 bye bye, 他就立刻撇到右邊.  終於恍然大悟,原來他在生我的氣!!  剛剛望著車窗,不是在沉思,而是不願意看我...  現在的小孩都這麼心機重嗎?!  才兩歲,就懂得生悶氣...!!

晚上,和他爸大玩救命的遊戲,就他爸抱著,大喊 mommy 救命,我配合演出,嚷幾聲後把他從他爸手中"解救"出來.  玩了第一次,救出來後他從我懷裡掙脫,自己一邊走去房間一邊說 mommy 救命.  他爸就又把他抱起來,玩第二次.  這次我"解救"他,抱出來,他竟然哭了,眼角有淚,眼框氾紅.  我和他爸嚇一跳,想說是不是弄痛他了.  他再次掙脫我,跑去房間,喊著救命...一邊笑.  我們家寶寶也太入戲了吧!!

2007/03/16 - Aaron: 幹麽呢?

嗯,我真是個懶惰的媽咪.  一個 blog 耕耘了半年只出了兩篇.  真佩服那些天天寫寶寶日記的媽媽,也羨慕他們的勤勞,可以記錄下寶貴的點滴. 

小孩子長大得太快,怎麼一轉眼,就兩歲了.  會講話的他,每天掛在嘴邊的不是 "mommy, 幹麽呢" 就是 "把鼻,幹麽呢"  這兩天看我們拿電蚊拍打蚊子,他也拿著他的音樂小鐵鎚,這邊打蚊子,那邊打螞蟻.

早上一早, 7am起床,就開始要打蚊子.  把鼻還想睡,棉被悶住頭說 "有蚊子,好害怕,快躲起來."  小 Aaron 把棉被拉開, 抱住把鼻說 "來,抱抱, Aaron 保護把鼻." ~~ !!

2006/11/01 - Baby Talk - "有"

Aaron 晚上拿著湯匙猛敲碗,告訴他好幾次了不可以,都不聽.


"stop, aaron" "Aron" "AARON"

"有"... Aaron 大聲回答,還舉高右手


2006/10/28 - Happy Family

Happy family, picture perfect.

Moment captured, forever framed.

'tis my enchanted forest, hanging the bitter-sweet fruits of life.

Laughters of joy, tears of sorrow, here you will find my stories.