Thursday, December 5, 2013

2010/05/08 - 閒母日記 – 問將的日子

近來天氣晴時多雲偶陣雨,帶 Anakin 出門開車居多。
通常早上帶 他上課,下課後喝個ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ,上車就睡了。
就算在家附 近,車程只有 3 分鐘,他 也撐不到家。
但回家抱他 起來,他就起床了。
卻又因沒睡飽,就很鬧,要抱抱,搞得又餓又累的媽我有時到 34點還沒吃午餐。
有天,他一 樣在車上睡了,我就順道去外帶個便當,想說回家不用煮,抱著也可以吃。到了家車庫口,剛好車道在整理,但很餓了,就在車上先開起來吃。車道用好,Anakin 還在睡,乾脆吃飽再下車庫。
就這樣,開 始了我做問將的日子。
發現把車停 在車庫口的樹下,開個車窗、天窗,微風徐徐,鳥叫蟲鳴;Anakin 睡得香甜,我吃的愜意,吃完還可以小小咪一下。Anakin 醒來可以立刻下車道,抱他起來 (因為他醒來做汽車安全座椅會抗議到鬼哭神嚎)Anakin 睡飽飽,精神好; 媽咪吃飽飽,心情好~~~
幾天下來, 練就了在車上用餐的好本領;便當是小 case,連湯麵都可以在車上吃,還不會打翻喔!!

2010/3/18 Anakin ~4M; 小畢叔叔的大作~


Dear Anakin...

At almost 4 months, you continue to be a good baby, though you are way too clingy to mommy.  When you have your mind made up to want mommy, YOU WANT MOMMY!  No one can appease you, not even babi.  And when you are determined to cry… boy, you do have great lungs and high pitch vocal.  Perhaps being a tenor can be your future career…

You are a natural water baby.  We’ve been in the pool 3x and you submerged this past Saturday~ 
You still require your night feeding, but you usually are good in going right back to sleep immediately.  My only complain is that you are an early riser like your brother Aaron.  He used to wake up at 5:30am and needing to poop.  You are a bit better, 6:30am, and also need to poop in the toilet.  I worry that one of these mornings, I might doze off and drop you into the toilet...

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